If you are here, you have likely heard of scent marketing and wondering what it means and why there is a lot of hype around it. Here, we’ll walk you through scent marketing and shed some light on how you can tap into the power of scents to boost your business.

What Is Scent Marketing?

Scent marketing, sometimes called aroma marketing, is a type of sensory marketing targeted to consumers’ sense of smell. It is the act of diffusing strategically chosen fragrance at your brand’s touchpoints to create memorable sensory experiences, evoke customers’ emotions, build brand awareness and loyalty, and ultimately increase sales. If done right, the chosen fragrance can become a part of your brand’s identity, make you more recognizable by your customers, and help you stand out in the crowded marketplace.

Facts And Research To Show Scent Sells

Research shows that 75% of our daily emotions are generated by what we smell. Another study revealed that our ability to recall visual images reduces to about 50% after three months, while we can remember what we smell with 65% accuracy even after twelve months. Science also shows that our limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for our emotions and memory, processes what we smell first before processing other senses. So by using the right scents, brands can evoke emotions and influence customer reactions to their brand.

An Untapped Marketing Opportunity

Most businesses invest heavily in traditional marketing that focuses only on visual and auditory stimuli. However, more businesses are starting to discover that their marketing can create more impact when it targets the consumers’ five senses. So savvy business owners are now taking their branding and marketing beyond the realm of print and media ads. You are leaving an enormous marketing opportunity on the table if your brand isn’t tapping into the power of scent marketing.

How We Can Help You With Scent Marketing

At Scentino, we specialize in helping businesses develop scent marketing solutions that align with their brand’s personality. Our scent experts will examine your brand’s objectives, philosophies, and message to determine how best we can use scents to achieve your business goals and create the right impression for your customers. Some of the benefits you will get from our scent marketing solutions include:

  • Appealing and memorable sensory experiences for your customers.

  • Increased sales and improved bottom line

  • Better perception of your brand and product

  • Increase staff productivity

  • Improved customer loyalty


 Talk to our scent specialists to get started
+1 844 888 0407